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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Worked Pantry Yesturday

Yesterday I worked Pantry. I get out of school at 2:30 get on my bus and get home by 2:50 and then I have to be out the door and get to work by 3:00.  I was told by the sous chef that the pantry box had to be cleaned out and restocked since no one really works at Pantry anymore. I cut Peppers onions changed sauces into clean containers.  I then made a fruit platter and chopped up some Garlic using the buffalo chopper trayed up some bacon.  We had no dishwasher yesterday so the sous went to go wash the dishes and I jumped on the line to help one of the other line cooks when it got busy.  I'm a JETS FAN so I had to hear about the JETs losing over and over again.  We also have a Bar tender whos mind is in the gutter and always compares everything we make to a body part. Wasnt really that busy yesterday so the other cooks were reminissing about High school and such.  Thats about it.  In my next blog I will write about working on the line more.

Heres a Random Picture!


  1. get used to people talking about body parts and things you can do with body parts. I advice you learn what a Blumpkin, alaskan pipeline, dirty sanchez all are. Urban can help with that stuff. Sometimes you need to outgross people to make them shut-up. It is part of the kitchen mind.

  2. i agree with cornstarch. kitchens are home to the most notoriously dirty people ever. even the female cooks i know are constantly threatening to stick it in your ass. i've gotten so used to it i have to watch my mouth when i'm around normal people. in addition to cornstarch's suggestions, i recommend the hot carl, angry dragon, the minivan, the eiffel tower, brown necktie, donkey punch, and rusty trombone

  3. lol I've heard some of those and by the names I can guess what they are.
